
Let's work

Let's uncover your uniquely magical locations for love, career, and home. 

Relieve stress with movement that meets you where you are.

Get clarity and support using your body's innate wisdom. 

-Maggie A.

Working with Kathleen was absolutely amazing! A lot of discoveries and a lot of emotional release left me feeling grounded, peaceful, and calm.

-Marianne A.

Kathleen provided a safe space for me to be vulnerable. She's an amazing listener.

From the blog...

From the blog...

Before an anxiety-inducing event (such as a job interview or presentation), I’ve developed a routine to get myself in the best headspace possible. I’ll be sharing what works for me, though feel free to experiment and find what works for you! Move Sometimes I put on a video, but oftentimes, I move intuitively. Stuff like […]

Kathleen Hansen journaling

I’ve been on a long and winding path with sex and romance. I have so many truly insane stories. (Like the sommelier who told me verbatim: “Time for action. Time for anal” or the programmer who said she genuinely thought she had more value to society than I did.)

Kathleen Hansen making a heart with her hands.

Astrocartography (also referred to as locational astrology) is the astrology of place. It uses a map generated from where the planets were at the exact time you were born. Each person’s map is unique. You can activate different themes in your life, such as love, career, or home by going to different areas on your […]

Kathleen's astrocartography map

I’m someone who has always liked the idea of intuition. While the sentiment of trust your GUTS is spot on, it can feel confusing to recognize my intuition at times. Is what I’m listening to my intuition? Or is it another part of me, like ego or fear? Intuition is a muscle A defining experience […]

Kathleen Hansen seated looking at birds flying.

Growing up, I didn’t think much of astrology. I thought it was fun to read horoscopes sometimes, but often, they didn’t resonate with me. As I got older, I thought of astrology as silly: astronomy is legit, astrology isn’t. But a couple years ago, something shifted. I got curious about astrology—and I learned that astrology […]

A photo of the night sky.

Somatics is a field that explores the mind/body connection, with practices such as yoga, bodywork, and dance. In a similar way, somatic coaching is a form of life coaching that incorporates movement. We can see the power of movement in the animal world—often, after something traumatic or stressful, like being hunted, an animal will shake […]

Kathleen Hansen sitting on a yoga mat in front of a computer.